Monday, November 9, 2009

Sheer Goodness

Ida is blowing in, which is to say that the rain is coming in sideways. Maybe the water will seep in through the windows tonight instead of the foundation. A girl can dream, right? This is our first Hurricane. Whoo Hoo! I'm glad we're getting an easy one to break us in. The radio folks don't seem to think that we'll even lose power. Knock on driftwood.

Dawn surprised me with a trip to New Orleans. One could make a case that we fell in love there, so it's always a special trip. At this point, with Ida looming, a little baby (big boy) party to plan and a wife to snuggle, I'll leave it mostly to the pictures.

This is the drink that Dawn drank even after the leaves fell in her drink.

This is the tree from which the leaves that fell in Dawn's drink fell. Not exactly a straight shot.

Dawn's Swamp Fest Lunch - Jambalaya or "Jumba" as our Twins Call It

My Swamp Fest Lunch - Shrimp and Grits and Beer or "Sheer Deliciousness" as I Call It

And this is the baby that grew in my belly. And 3 years ago at just about this time, he like his cousin Ida made his intention to make an appearance known. Like he did this weekend, he danced, without regard for anyone else. He ate a bag of chips this weekend (just like his Momma did 3 years ago - same brand and everything - weird, right?) and squirmed and shook and tapped his feet and smiled his smile.

My last baby will be 3 years old at 3:41 in the morning. He had soft feet and yellow hair, and has smelly feet and red hair.

My Goodness.


  1. Hold onto your hats....and I hope you'll be fine.

    Nice drink, I thought they were spearmint leaves until I saw the tree that they dropped from...that would be one big spearmint bush hey?
    I never got into the grits nor the jam-bell stuff so pass me a drink and a bag of chips please.

    Happy Birthday to stinky feet. ;)

  2. Happy Birth- Day, Mama. I have been thinking about y'all in this storm. As far east as we are, we are getting rain already.
    I hope your power stays on, I hope no water comes in your house and I hope that your beautiful son stays forever, ever young.

  3. Happy Birthday to sweet little baby boy...and pass me a Coors, will ya!? ;)

  4. I've been thinking of you ladies as I watch Ida make landfall. We are in Orlando and will probably only get a little rain. But we have been through many hurricanes... Ida seems harmless and shouldn't cause much damage. I'm liking the pictures... I thought the leaves belonged in the drink at first until I read the caption. lol

  5. I can't believe my gorgeous godson is 3. All the kids are getting so big, and they're all just so beautiful and happy and brilliant. Give Miss Faithy-Faith an extra hug and a belated birthday wish from us, and give Ray an extra big birthday hug from us. Love to you all, and I hope Ida treats you gently.

  6. mulitiple things, leaves in drink-cool!
    still drinking it after- cooler!
    Jumba isn't a rocket kinda food but G will love it! there must be french fries!....?
    and he is precious. nough said.

  7. Looks like an awesome time....much needed for you all

  8. Aaw Windy, if we weren't so far apart I'd send my guys over to fix up your waterproofing. Wish I could do that.

    Has Dawn's toe fallen off yet?

    Ps. How about some New Orleans photos? It's on my list..

  9. I love New Orleans. I still dream about it, twelve years later.

    I am partial to red headed boys. Probably because I never had one.

  10. I miss the south!! I haven't had food like that in forever!!! Great pictures!! Steer clear of Ida!

  11. Happy birthday to your little boy! Be safe with Ida. OOHH Coors, lol not one I drink. Can't stand the stuff. But I will take a bud, love me some beer!!

  12. Yum. That jambalaya and shrimp n grits look dang good.

    We spent Christmas in New Orleans when I was 8 weeks pregnant with Jack. I spent the whole time eating hard boiled eggs, grits, and wedges of iceberg lettuce covered in bleu cheese dressing. The smells walking through the French Quarter almost did me in.

    Good times.

    Happy Birthday to Baby Ray!
