Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jude, I thought this might inspire you . . .

You got Cancer? Yeah . . . But it doesn't have you. R has you, and we have you, and we are something fierce. I mean, Rocket is security for the love of God - She blew Ida away, you know.
So you just have to breathe. Don't forget to breathe.
I love you, Papa. Can you feel it all the way over there?


  1. LOVE the picture!!! And the words, so very true!

  2. Awesome pic....(((hugs))) to Jude. No doubt RO is something fierce.

  3. :) i have *zapped that shit* taken care of....

  4. HAHAHA! yes, a lot of inspiration going on with that picture.

    Love you too!
