Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Semi-Legitimate Gig

I jumped around like a monkey long enough and someone noticed. They gave me a gig. I'll be writing 3 -4 articles a week. I get paid depending on how many hits I get and how long each person stays there and how many repeat readers and how many newcomers and how many republicans and how many brunettes and how many wonderful and supportive friends I can get to click on it.

I'm so sorry to say that you'll be shamelessly reminded almost daily to give a bitch a click.

Thanks, Chickas!



  1. I'm a newcomer and a slightly-redheaded brunette (with Republican tendencies). I love parenting blogs...especially ones with sarcasm and a sense of humor. Congrats on the writing job - I'll be visiting your blog daily!

  2. hey, good for you and good luck too. although since your writings are such a very enjoyable read, you should have no problems. since it's pensacola based e-paper, maybe a different background for your pic for that site? africa/india vs florida? well, I guess you need the bug juice for all of those places ;) I have my first "assignment" tomorrow night, shooting the candlelight vigil for the area's LGBT Coalition newsletter. no pay though, no matter how many clickity clack clacks. i'll have fun though.

  3. Congratulations. I'll be sure to network you on my page.

    Frederick Reinhardt
    Austin Gay Parenting Examiner

  4. Congrats! How fun to actually get some dough for this!
