Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The New Baby
Dawn says that she likes to learn something new everyday, and on Sunday she learned not to let me free in a flea market by myself.
He's only 7 weeks old and still shaky on his legs. He was bottle-fed so he's very snuggly. We're already totally in love with him. We're going to let him name himself, so it may take a while.
The rest of the zoo is adjusting. The massive dog would lick him to death if we let her. The cats aren't quite sure yet, and the kids are ecstatic!
Pretty cute, huh?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Dawn's Dad, the Lutheran
This is his first contact with her since.
Dear Daughter,
My Love for you will always be there. My heart is very heavy.
I cannot accept your chosen life style.
Your mother and I will always welcome you and our grandchildren with open arms. I cannot accept your chosen family into my home.
You should revisit your Christian upbringing. Mostly the 4th commandment as in the Small Lutheran Catechism.
God Bless, Love Dad
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean
on your own understanding".
Proverbs 3:5
I had to ask, too. The 4th Commandment, which Dawn keeps slipping and calling the 4th Amendment which, strangely enough, protects against search and seizure without probable cause, is "Honor thy Mother and thy Father." I expected it to be "Thou shalt not commit Adultery."
Hmmmm. Any ideas?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Oh! Happy Day
I love the smell of Free Appliances in the morning! That's right, girls - this Momma is getting back the washer and dryer that used to be rightfully mine. My ex took them in the split, gave them to his brother who stored them at their folks' house and who now works for a company with a big truck. I say, "Yeah!" (And you say, "Yeah!") "Whatch ya gonna say?" (And you say, "Yeah!") Picture semi-skinny white girl going the Cabbage Patch, the Hammer and the Roger Rabbit totally out of rhythm. It's gonna be a good day! Live it up!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dennis Tower
Dennis Tower is a figment of Dawn's imagination. He resembles Dennis the Menace in demeanor and our Baby Ray in appearence (both have hair like the sun). His most recent exploit involved a gift horse that followed Dennis around all summer.
The love of my life is telling a story to the first baby that I grew in my body. He's sick; and he asked for her. I'm crying big tears of joy and gratitude.
Good Night.
This Is Why I Can't Afford Another Pillow
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of my followers and a rekindled friend of Dawn's, Laura brought up a good point. She was confused by my references to "Faith's twin" because she remembers (or thought that she remembered) Faith's birth as a single one.
We have referred to Faith and William as "the twins" for so long that it didn't occur to me that it would be confusing. Here's the real story. When Dawn and I met, Faith was 18 months old and William was just a 4 month-old babe-in-arms. But they were exactly the same size. Faith was itty-bitty for her age and William wore a size 3 month outfit home from the hospital. We and they have been inseparable ever since; and they have remained the same size ever since.
You would be amazed at the questions and remarks that we get about them. Faith's father is African-American-Dutch-Yadda Yadda. He is the true melting pot American, but most closely identifies as African-American. William's father is British - pasty white. Except for their size, the children couldn't look more different. And still we get, "Are they twins?" at least once a week. Dawn has a big time with it. She says crazy things like, "Yes, they are, but she is 14 months older than he." People smile and say, "Wow, that's really cool." She says, "Yes, and their fathers are so proud" or "Yes, they are but they don't have the same parents." People just smile and nod like bobble-head dolls.
Last week at school (they're even in the same class), the health department came to screen the kids. William is a 1/4 of an inch taller than she and a half pound heavier. Their BMIs are exactly the same.
So, forgive me if you have felt misled. But I can't believe that when they are in their 30s and she hasn't broken 5 feet and he is 6'4", that I won't still be calling them "the twins."
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Channel Boy George
I'll be interrupting regularly scheduled programming to bring you more on this breaking story!
(If you're totally confused refer to my past posts, "Dawn has Kicked Down the Closet Door," "Boring, boring, boring," and "Testimony". That should get you up to speed.)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tossing and Turning
Last night Dawn got it because she's at work today. At about 4 am, Faith came in saying that her tummy hurt. Dawn got up and gave me the pillow. Since our bedroom shares a wall with the kid bathroom, I was privy to the gagging and retching noises that followed a few minutes later. I was quite surprised when Faith came barreling into our room and said, "Quick! William's throwing up. Dawn needs you!" I abandoned the pillow.
Once everyone was settled in again, Dawn reclaimed the pillow. We were just dozing off when Faith came back. She was hungry. I got the pillow back. Dawn came back and got the pillow back. Faith came back and wanted Dawn to sleep with her. Dawn and the pillow left me and the pitiful wanna-bes to battle until morning.
So now I'm exhausted and my neck hurts and I miss Dawn. The triple-whammy. I hate things that aren't cured by coffee.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patrick's Day, It Is!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Clickity Click
Dawn is a photographer. She's so intuitive and natural behind a camera. I've been trying to convince her for years to do it professionally. Of course, she's finally convinced me to write after that long, so all hope is not lost.
A few days ago she got a little Sharpie marker key chain for her mail truck keys. (She's also a mail carrier. Down, Dawg.) Her first order of business was to mark me. Then she had to take pictures of her mark on me.
How hot are we?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Lost in Translation
Monday, March 9, 2009
Boring, boring, boring!
In typical Dawn fashion, she has managed to turn this situation with her fanatic "friend" into some sort of "Come to Jesus" meeting. Both have confessed to allowing their friendship to falter and not doing their bests to be a part of each other's lives. Promises to do better and visit more and send more cards. Blah, blah, blah.
I feel a little cheated. I was revving up for a showdown. I wanted scripture slinging. I wanted heated policy debate with words that I don't understand. I wanted a cat-fight, Damnit!
Alas, my lovely peaceful Dawn surprises me again. I don't know why it still surprises me when she does the exact perfect thing, the thing that would never have occurred to me if I were chained in a think tank for a year and a half.
So now I guess I need to ready myself for Betsy's visit. If she comes over Memorial Day weekend and ruins my pride fest, well, we may get a cat-fight after all.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Dawn has Kicked Down the Closet Door
Waring Ninja Style. Beautiful angular body slicing through the air in slow-motion. For real. She finally told her Mom and her crazy right-wing nut job "friend" about us this week. They probably both already knew, but now she has said it out loud. And I am reminded of this song. And I am sharing it with you.
Her mom did great. The funniest thing she said was, "I hear the words you're saying, but I don't understand any of it." She laughed at herself.
The "friend" saga continues. She is uber-religious and super conservative and scary as hell. So far all she's done is quote scripture and say that she isn't like the other "Bible-throwing" Christians and that she hopes we are able to find the Jesus that eats with sinners. -Sigh-
Oh! And her feelings are hurt because she wasn't the first to know. -Another Sigh-
This should get really good once Dawn starts quoting scripture back to her. I'll keep you abreast (hehehehe) of the situation.
Everyone has seen this, I'm sure, but it bears repeating, doesn't it? Love it!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wade in the Water
I heard the program “Florida’s Frontiers” on WUWF yesterday afternoon. It was about the Forgotten Women in Florida’s history. It highlighted a woman who led the charge in integrating Florida’s beaches. Instead of sit-ins, the demonstrations were called swim-ins and wade-ins. And yes, they were as bloody and ugly as their inland counterparts. There are pictures of grown (I hesitate to use the word adult) white people in swim trunks wrestling and pummeling African-Americans also in swim trunks with uniformed policemen in the mix, all of this in less than 2 feet of water. If you don’t know the context of the photos, it looks fairly ridiculous. When you do, it is terrifying.
March 2009. We’ve just finished Black History Month and are now in Women’s History Month and are staring down a Legislative term which includes bills on Civil Unions, Gay Adoption, and Hate Crimes. Rallies are planned, lobbies are scripted and the bravest among us are converging in Tallahassee to turn the tide once more.
It’s warming up. Dawn and I will soon be spending oodles of time at the beach with 4 brilliant and curious children, 2 of which are bi-racial. This season will be different for me. The pictures will show an unlikely family paying homage at hallowed ground, a battleground. And I will marvel more at the whiteness of the sand and the green of the water and the blue of the sky. I will revel in Dawn’s energy and be grateful for my children’s innocence. And the song that will be playing over and over in my head is “Wade in the Water. Wade in the Water, Children. Wade in the Water. God’s gonna trouble the Water.”
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Great Debate
Dawn and I have an ongoing debate about how, when and to whom we tell about the nature of our relationship. I want to tell everyone. Right Now. Here are my arguments -
1. If Dawn were a boy, I wouldn’t hesitate to say “husband.” Why should I not refer to her as “wife” or “partner”?
2. I don’t want to get in any deeper than necessary with bigots. I like to get the lesbian revelation out of the way in a new relationship, be it with a new friend or a new business associate or a doctor or anyone else. If the new person is a bigot, I want to know right away.
3. The children. I want to protect the children as much as possible.
Time out: This is where I don't trust you to remember to click on my paying gig, so I'm going to help you. That was the tease. This is the remainder of the article.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Conversation On The Way Home From School
William: What does a purple flag mean? Purple flag at beach?
Me: It means there are dangerous animals in the water.
William: Like jellyfish.
Me: Yes.
William: And stingrays.
Me: That's right.
William: And dragons.
Me: Dragons?
Faith: Yes. Some people believe there are dragons and monsters in the sea, but I don't.
William: Well, I do.
Ray: Roaaaaaaaaarrrrr!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Semi-Legitimate Gig
I jumped around like a monkey long enough and someone noticed. They gave me a gig. I'll be writing 3 -4 articles a week. I get paid depending on how many hits I get and how long each person stays there and how many repeat readers and how many newcomers and how many republicans and how many brunettes and how many wonderful and supportive friends I can get to click on it.
I'm so sorry to say that you'll be shamelessly reminded almost daily to give a bitch a click.
Thanks, Chickas!
Stolen Idea
I found a new friend, Dena, at the Normanist Theory. (Read her. She’s in my list of blogs that I follow.) I’m borrowing her idea for this post. I was struck by her, “To my eight year-old self.” Storm is 8, so that is probably a good part of why I find this so intriguing.
Normally, I shun this line of thinking. I’m of the opinion that if you are happy where you are today, then you can’t think that you should have done anything differently. Even the smallest change in your earlier life could drastically change your present. (Think Back to the Future.) I am deliriously happy with my little life and my little family and my little house, so if pressed for an answer to, “If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?”, I’d have to say, “Not one damn thing.”
1. In September of your ninth grade year, you’re going to find yourself at the top of a staircase holding a huge stack of Cds. Put them down and hold onto the railing.
3. Don’t follow a boy to college. Go somewhere worthy of you, and when you get there, go to class. Everyday. Rain, sleet, hangover, just go.
5. Spend more time outside. Take the books with you if you must.
7. Ask questions. Even when it seems silly or you feel stupid.
9. Don’t smoke. It’s not cool. It is disgusting. And Dawn hates it.
Dawg - I'm counting on you here. I know you have computer skills and surely vast experience in dealing with DPs. Please help me!
Update: Jude! My hero! Thank you! Thank you! That was very easy and I feel like a moron for not noticing that little garbage can before.